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INPRO has developed a service for Member States “Analysis Support for Enhanced Nuclear Energy Sustainability (ASENES)”. The main purpose of this service is to assist and guide Member States on scenario development and analysis, comparative evaluation of nuclear energy system/scenario options and road mapping to support strategic planning towards enhanced nuclear energy sustainability.
The main service modules:

  1. Modelling Nuclear Energy Systems (NES);
  2. Economic Evaluation of Alternative Nuclear Energy Systems;
  3. Comparative Evaluation of NES/ Scenario Alternatives;
  4. Road Mapping for Enhanced Nuclear Energy Sustainability.

Nuclear energy system evolution scenario modelling could help better understand the key issues of, and find plausible solutions for, enhanced nuclear energy sustainability. Economic evaluation of alternative nuclear energy systems is useful to evaluate competitiveness of NES options. Comparative evaluation of nuclear energy system or scenario options based on problem structuring and the state-of-the art judgement aggregation/uncertainty analysis methods could be used to support the multi-criteria selection of a preferred nuclear energy system through a substantive dialogue with decision makers. Road mapping activities would help represent the status, prospects, benefits and risks associated with a variety of options for the national nuclear energy system configuration and evolution scenario. Given sufficient detail, it could indicate opportunities for saving time, effort and resources for improving characteristics of a national nuclear energy system through cooperation with other countries.